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The precautions to be taken by software professionals towards Nipha virus

Cloud :: Nipah virus infection in humans causes a range of clinical presentations, from asymptomatic infection (subclinical) to acute respiratory infection and fatal encephalitis.
:: The case fatality rate is estimated at 40% to 75%. This rate can vary by outbreak depending on local capabilities for epidemiological surveillance and clinical management.
:: Nipah virus can be transmitted to humans from animals (such as bats or pigs), or contaminated foods and can also be transmitted directly from human-to-human.
:: Fruit bats of the Pteropodidae family are the natural host of Nipah virus.
:: The 2018 annual review of the WHO R&D Blueprint list of priority diseases indicates that there is an urgent need for accelerated research and development for the Nipah virus.

Nipah virus (NiV)
Software professionals who are working on site hospitals should take basic precautions like washing hands, cap mask and wearing gloves.